Saturday, April 2, 2011


Don't know if anyone has noticed but I am trying my darndest to get a crafting business off the ground. It all revolves around my laptop. I get territorial if anyone else in the house touches it. I throw a dirty look the equivalent of a hiss. It makes me uncomfortable. When not checking my stuff, I am reading tips about how to promote and better my shop.

It all comes back to living out in the sticks. Part of why I quit my teaching job was the hour commute. Now it's a half hour the other direction just to get grocerie and ten minutes to the gas station. I do have some of my wares in shops, but it's a hassle to go there for the uncertainty of a shop buying stuff from me. Besides, the face to face rejection is less than enjoyable. It was hard to be pushy. I thought it would come more naturally, but I'm not a salesman.

I knew what had to be done. It was time to sell online. I knew I wanted to use Etsy, an awesome place for hand-made art, but I also wanted my own website. Without any background in this area, I channelled my inner "specialist." I read and experimented, and found a place that has a template. This was how to start. That was the hard part really, starting. The anxiety was conquered and it wasn't as hard or pricey as I thought.

So here is what I have been up to these last few weeks...
  • using Vistaprint to market my company - they have a great way for us beginners to market ourselves
  • getting my domain and website: live and putting my jewelry on there using paypal
  • blogging - it's good therapy, fun to write, and keeps me "out there" from in here
  • sharing info between blog/website/facebook/etsy
  • getting a yahoo account for the business -
  • getting an Illinois dept. of revenue tax ID number
  • starting a shop on
  • having a etsy shop banner and avatars designed
  • getting paypal for the etsy shop
  • taking photos of my jewelry twice to get clearer pics
  • making a model for the photos that will stand out
  • reading and learning tips on how to make a better shop and website
  • ordering photo postcards to do a mailing to shops in big cities
  • making a brochure to mail along with a free sample of my work and the post cards
I didn't get called to sub at the school this last week, but managed to stay busy with all this groundwork. I don't get paid to "not" sub. It would be nice to get paid. I miss my teaching paycheck. It's tough to be patient and positive when you're broke. I haven't sold anything online yet, but when it does happen - and it will - I am so ready! Where's Oprah when you need her?

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