Tuesday, March 15, 2011

mid March case of the ughs

Sigh...ugh...blah, where is the green already? Apparently when one lives out in the sticks, it is a rite of spring to burn...everything in sight! It's an Illinois prairie phenomenon - fire. It rejuvenates the fields of grasses and takes out saplings. Ok, i get it, really i do. My handsome hubby "Thor" is taking his role of lightning bolt dude waaaaayyyyy too seriously. The other day he says to me, "If I holler at you to call 911, don't hesitate, seriously." I looked up at him from my spot on the sofa and compasionately reponded, "How am I gonna hear ya with the windows closed?" (ever the practical virgo, first born, teacher, mom girl!) He just said not to worry that I would indeed hear him. I guess the wind was just perfect to burn one side of the lake, whatever pyro. So Thor comes in and says to look out the window - - smoke. Greeeat dude, having fun? He was all kinds of excited. Fire + men = entertainment.
So yesterday he did it again. He wind spoke to my Thor yet again. This burn didn't go quite so smoothly. The boys were called out to stomp the fire out of the neighboring cornfield. The boys came in coughing and stinkin' and all kinds of mad about Thor and his fire. Hehehehe, oh Thor, you make me laugh.
So what was once light brown is now black, soon to be green and lush. Laura Ingalls would approve of my little cabin on the prairie.

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